The Bellwether Collaborative
for Health Justice

Meet the Collaborative

Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein, PhD
Bellwether Collaborative Lab Director
Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein is an Associate Professor of Population Health Sciences and core faculty the Department of Population Health Sciences and in the Samuel DuBois Cook Center on Social Equity at Duke University. She is a national expert in examining how the criminal legal system impacts people, families, and communities. During the pandemic, she co-founded the COVID Prison Project, one of the only national data projects that tracks and analyzes COVID testing, cases, and deaths in prison systems across the country. She utilized the infrastructure of the COVID Prison Project to recently launch the Third City Project—a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-funded big data project that tracks and aggregates publicly available health and health policy data from carceral systems. Additionally, Dr. Brinkley-Rubinstein is the PI of several NIH and foundation grants focused on substance use, HIV prevention, and mortality.
In 2019, she co-edited a special issue of AJPH that explored how mass incarceration is a socio-structural determinant of health. More recently, she was invited by the National Academy of Medicine to attend its Annual Emerging Leaders Forum. In 2025, she was awarded the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers.
Her work has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, ProPublica, CNN, Science Magazine, and other media outlets. Her work blends research and policy, which has recently culminated in providing expert consultation to Congress relevant to prison standards and data reporting.
Clinical Research Coordinators
Postdoctoral Research Associates
Graduate Research Associates
Undergraduate Research Assistants
Amy Duan
Undergraduate Research Assistant; 3rd City
Lydia Owens
Undergraduate Research Assistant; 3rd City
Emily Wang
Undergraduate Research Assistant; 3rd City
Breana Uhrig Castonguay, MPH
The George Washington University
The University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Yoshiko Iwai, MS, MFA
University of North Carolina School of Medicine